Summer Meal Plan Policies

Summer Meal Plan Policies

  • Dining Dollars will be allotted in total for the number of weeks of scheduled residency. Meals are allotted weekly, Monday-Sunday.
  • Students are responsible for budgeting their own meals and Dining Dollars to ensure full value.
  • Unused meals are non-refundable and expire at the end of your summer school term or summer campus residency ending no later than July 26, 2025.
  • Unused Dining Dollars roll over from summer term to consecutive summer term of the same year. They do not roll over to the fall.
  • Dining Dollars roll over to August Extended Stay only if housed on campus.
  • Prepackaged meals are available when there is an authorized class conflict and must be maintained under refrigeration. Please contact the Heilman Dining Center at least 48 hours in advance at (804) 289-8512.
  • Plans for academic terms are a set rate and are non-refundable.
  • Meal plans are priced to support the operation of all food venues and a portion of each meal plan goes to administrative support.
  • Housing and food rates are calculated by the week for the duration of the student’s occupancy.
  • Students living in the apartments may opt out of the Summer Unlimited meal plan. Student must submit the meal plan changes form to opt out of the summer meal by 5p.m. EST the Tuesday before their contracted term starts.  
  • Students that choose to opt out of their meal plan, but are housed during transition week, are required to have a meal plan for that week. Transition week is the week after graduation and before summer classes begin.  Students will be charged the current weekly rate and any unused Dining Dollars will expire at the end of this week. 
  • No housing or meal credit will be issued for absences, late arrivals or early departures.  Please see the Residence Life & Housing cancelation policy here

For questions regarding summer meal plan policies, please contact One Card Services at (804) 289-8010.